Yet HEAVY drugs found their way into Nigeria through Kano Airports with several military (northern) officers as King pins. Buhari will win in a maximun of 5 ...
"I am handing over this flag of honor to the presidential candidate, senatorial candidate, governotorial candidate" ~PMB in Delta State, 17/1/2019 "I will ...
I love Nigeria with a passion, and I know that Jonathan is the only candidate in this election that can guarantee Nigeria's continued unity.
onatisi: the best and fastest way to learn how to win an election,defeat a political opponent is to contest against buhari. He is the easiest politician to ...
FEBUHARI-FE =BUHARI Come to think of it, has any presidential election in Nigeria been held in FeBuhari before? Hmmm this means that the forces of nature is ...
Pls, at what point can we talk of run off election if a winner does not emerge in the first polls in April. In Liberia, I think George Whea was leading ...
Dec 29, 2018 · Thanks for your time for the compilation based on your knowledge of this government but it's unfortunate fortunate that you only listed 10 ...
Dec 1, 2019 · In the build-up to the 2019 general election, the former senator said God spoke to him about the defeat of the APC and President Muhammadu ...
Former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari does not seem to know when to quit. Defeated in the last two elections, first by President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2003 and ...
Oct 26, 2018 · Perceived double standard in the fight against corruption and looking the other way as regards the herdsmen are also other issues that might be ...